News Article

Time to Volunteer for the Festival

Calling all Indians!

Putting on a big two-day invitational cycling event requires a lot of volunteers, and the Club has been great over the years in providing them.  With the Festival now less than three weeks away, it's time to step up and fill all of those positions! Go to the Volunteer Page for a full list of what is needed.

For the course, we need SAG drivers for both events, a pace car crew for the Horse Farm Hundred, sign retrievers on Saturday, and sign placers on Sunday.

At rest stops, there are a few openings on Saturday, but our biggest need is on Sunday at Flemington.

We need registration workers on Saturday and Sunday mornings (Sunday at Flemington also), and Saturday afternoon.

There are also a few other odds and ends available that you can see on the Volunteer PageEmail Roger Pierce or call 378-7063 to sign up.