Gainesville Cycling Club

2014 Elections

President | Vice President | Secretary | Treasurer | Chief of Staff | Ride Captain | Brevet Administrator | Gainesville Cycling Festival Director | Advocacy Director | Member At Large

Club Picnic Manager


Chandler Otis Incumbent


Responsible for the overall process of supplying and staging GCC picnics. Activities include proposing picnic dates and venues to the GCC Board, arranging for use of facilities at picnic venues, coordinating with the Equipment and Supplies Manager and the Fluids Manager, finding a Venue Manager for each picnic, publicizing the picnic, and arranging for or providing a main course food item.

Event Equipment and Supplies Manager
Responsible for maintaining a stock of supply items needed at picnics, storing picnic equipment and supplies, transporting equipment and supplies to and from the picnic venue, and cleaning used flatware and serving utensils.
Fluid Manager
Responsible for procuring sodas and ice for picnics, transporting sodas in ice chests to picnics, and transporting a water cooler to picnics.
Venue Manager        
This is a non-cycling volunteer position. It does not require the same person do the job for each event. Responsible for arriving at the picnic location at the opening of the venue, assisting in the unloading of supplies, equipment, and fluids, setting up the venue for the picnic, assisting in putting up the shelter if one is used, placing the tables, putting out the flatware, plates, napkins, and cups, staying at the venue to provide basic security, assisting in food preparation / presentation, and assisting in equipment cleanup and teardown.