Gainesville Cycling Club
April 22, 2015 eNews

Spring Picnic

Saturday, May 2
San Felasco City Park

Come kick off the warm weather riding season with a picnic!

San Felasco City Park is located at the end of NW 43rd Way, just north of the TV 20 studios. From NW 43rd St going north from 53rd Ave, turn left onto NW 43rd Way as 43rd St veers to the right.

The Club will provide broiled chicken and a vegetarian alternative (for registered vegetarians) for those who RSVP! Please RSVP by April 30 if you will be eating the main course (you can still come if you miss the deadline, just bring your own food).

BRING a side dish or dessert to complement the chicken.

Rides should be planned to meet at the park or at the Chevron at 8 am; lunch will be served by 11:30.

Parking is limited in the picnic area of the park. Please park on the westbound entrance road if you are able to walk a few yards to get to the picnic area.

Join Our Challenge Team!

The League of American Bicyclists National Bike Challenge starts May 1. The Gainesville Cycling Club Team is now signing up members to defend our national #1 title from the last two years. We expect stiff competition from other teams, so we need YOU to sign up and log your miles. If you do not have an account from last year, click the Join link on the top line. Otherwise, just log in (you should already be signed up for our team).

The way the competition works is that you earn 20 points for each day that you ride, plus a point for each mile. Someone who rides a mile a day around their neighborhood earns 147 points a week; a weekend warrior doing 50 mile rides on Saturday and Sunday will earn 140 points. As you can see, everyone can significantly contribute to our team by riding just a few minutes, but by doing it most every day.

There are several ways on the web site to join a team. One way is to click on Leaderboards (below the red bar), then click on Teams. Below the listing of teams will be a link to "Search For A Team To Join". Click that, and then enter Gainesville Cycling Club in the By Name search box.

Logging your miles manually on the web site is quick, and once you've done it a few times, easy. You can also hook up a Garmin type device to log your miles using several different web site options -- this is not required.

Join our team today!

Save The Date

Memorial Day Picnic

Hart Springs, Monday, May 25

Watch for the announcement and RSVP button in the Members Area (early May).