Feature Article

Incoming Board Has Big Shoes to Fill

By James Thompson (Advocacy Director)

Having seen its largest leadership personnel turnover in history, the Gainesville Cycling Club would do well to remember the accomplishments of several outgoing members of the Board of Directors.  Former President (El Jefe) Bob Newman (currently our Historian), former Historian Velvet Yates, former Member-at-Large Allen Kushner, and former Vice-President and President Rob Wilt helped change the face of our club and oversaw record membership growth.  In 2000, we had about 200 members.  We are now at approximately 1100.  With the unfortunate dismantling of West Palm’s organization, we are now the largest cycling club in Florida, and the largest non-profit club of any kind in Alachua County.

Aside from numbers, the last Board added an Advocacy Position.  (I always have to correct people--this was not my idea, I just happened to be the first person honored with the title.)  Because of that position we have been able to coordinate and expand the individual efforts of our club and community members that support fair transportation reform.  It was just in the nick of time, as the greater Gainesville area became embroiled in the last several years in what, by any reading, remains one of the country’s most bizarre culture wars--bike people of all political stripes vs. anti-bike people.  As our new president would say, Good on ya’ for that foresight.

Another achievement was the move away from a paper and mail newsletter to an entirely online format.  This was done in conjunction with a major upgrade and overhaul to our web site and a streamlining of our email notifications for rides and events.  Many of us thought the world might collapse (myself included) if we went to a Ride Calendar--alas, it is now as familiar as a well-worn bib short chamois.  Only about twenty of our thousand member email list aren’t connected to the main GCC mailer (which goes to everyone, even those not on the list, for club news and announcements).  Those few will be notified of the shift away from paper and may elect to join us in saving a lot of volunteer time and a little piece of Mama Earth.

A less noticeable but equally important transition was to a more contemporary and technically specific Board structure.  Our duties, goals, and functions are more precisely defined than ever before, and our Board is larger than ever befitting our club size and functions.  This is very important, especially regarding the club’s money maker and main charity event--the Gainesville Cycling Festival.  Planning for this event begins the week after it ends.  It is literally a year’s worth of volunteer effort by hundreds of people, all overseen by the Board.

A reminder, all this work was done on volunteer time.  It is not a thankless task, as I think the club members do a swell job of reminding us how much we are all appreciated. The work is getting easier and easier as our club grows and more and more people step up to the plate.  If you are able to help the Board fulfill our mission, please join us.  If you are unable, please continue to enjoy the bountiful fruits of the club’s labor, and be sure to drop a line to the outgoing Board Members and thank them for their efforts.