Feature Article

How GCC News Works

James Thompson

So how does the GCC News work?  It works when Ride Leaders, Tour Travelers, and Local Sponsors of riding and racing teams tell us (specifically me, the Editor) about the activities of Gainesville Cycling Club Members.  Right now, there are pretty much two people making most of the news and events postings, myself and Roger Pierce.  What that means is that events get posted regularly (a la Roger), and the rest of the content is about two things--advocacy (my bailiwick) and bike racing (an area of deep interest for me).   I'm hearing a lot of voices that would like that to be different.

I do understand the recent news reflects some editorial biases.  Here are mine:  I'm not a tourist--I rode one "tour" (meaning "not a race") in my whole life, in Austin back in 1990.  I've never even ridden the Horse Farm or Santa Fe centuries, even though I've been here off an on since 1995.  I also don't ride nature trails and rails-trails (not much of a butterfly gazer, probably to a fault).  So, if you would like to hear or read or write about those very awesome things--I need your help.  In the last year or two, the number of these articles has fallen off seriously, largely as a result of personnel change.  Roger is more of a tourist, although an accomplished performance rider as well.  I'm more of a "guy who used to race" and part-time performance rider.  I'm neither inspired nor equipped nor experienced to write about touring, travel, and nature trail riding--but many of you are.  It doesn't have to be about a big vacation, just a great ride you had the other day, that's all!

In short, I need your help.  I only ask that you try and use a file sharer, and that you use as little formatting as possible.  Currently we are also slightly limited by the paper design (pdf) requirements of our newsletter, but the new web version allows some leeway with adding photos, long content, etc . . . I suggest writing a few paragraphs and sending them to me (just use jtexconsult@gmail.com) so I can suggest style changes before you write the whole thing.


James Thompson (News Editor)