Feature Article

Thanks From Bikes 4 Vets

by Diann Dimitri

A belated shout-out to all the generous folks who contributed to the Bikes 4 Vets project this year.

Many of you donated during the Horse Farm Hundred and the Santa Fe Century, in addition to the Verterans Day Poker Run.

Trek, Super Cool, Bikes & More, GoodBike, Pedego, and REI have donated used bikes, used tires and other bike parts, most of which we reuse or rehab.

Any Bikes and stuff we don't use, we donate to the Repurpose Project.

We have two dedicated vets who run a bike clinic every Sunday from 10-2 pm to rehab bikes for those vets who're on the list to get a bike. They are Pete Klavuhn and Gerry Kincheloe. Another vet, Daniel Morris, shows up to help when his health allows. If you are a good mechanic and would like to help, come on out any Sunday.

Your financial donations help pay for new parts such as tires, tubes, chains, grips, cables, etc.

Each vet who gets a bike also gets a lock, lights, and a safety vest. While we ask for the vet to make a contribution toward these items, if they are unable they still get them. They also get a bike helmet furnished by the PedBike Resource Center. 

We've been running this project for close to 10 years now and with your support we'll keep going.

If you have any questions about our work, don't hesitate to email me.