News Article

Williston Road Trail Crossing

Nick Hope, P.E. | District Safety Engineer

FDOT has plans for the following improvements to the Hawthorne Trail Crossing at Williston Road:

Short-term – Update the signage for trail users at the crossing.

There were signs for the trail user that stated “Pedestrians Must Yield Traffic Does Not Stop.” This sign is outdated and no longer used. Per Florida Statue 316.130 (Pedestrians; traffic regulations), “The driver of a vehicle at any crosswalk where signage so indicates shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross a roadway when the pedestrian is in the crosswalk.” These “Traffic Does Not Stop” signs have been removed. Additionally , the Department has updated the signs located at the push button detectors for the trail crossing to the current standard signs.

Mid-term – Add passive detection and additional flashing yellow beacons.

Based on our review, a large percentage of trail users chose not to activate the flashing beacons. When the beacons are activated, it can be difficult for trail users to see the flashing beacons based on the location and orientation of the lights. We are currently in the process of purchasing and installing “passive” detection and additional yellow flashing beacons. The passive detection will utilize sensors to automatically activate the flashing lights when a trail user is waiting to cross, regardless if they choose to hit the button. Additional yellow lights will be installed and oriented such that a trail user will be able to see the lights and know when they are activated. The additional lights have been installed and we are working on installing the passive detection.

Long-term – Upgrade the crossing to a Midblock Pedestrian Signal

The current crosswalk has post mounted yellow flashing beacons. The intent of this system is warn the drivers to use caution and alert them that there is a non-motorist trying to cross the roadway. As mentioned, per F.S. 316.130, vehicles are required to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk.

Based on our review, the Department plans to rebuild the crossing and construct a Midblock Pedestrian Signal (MPS). This will have Red/Yellow/Green traffic signals lights placed overhead and look similar to a traffic signal. The design is currently underway and the current schedule has construction starting in Spring 2022.