News Article

Festival Planning Underway

by Roger Pierce

Oct 27 & 28 are the dates for this year's Gainesville Cycling Festival.  The Orthopaedic Institute Santa Fe Century is on Saturday, and the Horse Farm Hundred on Sunday.

Look for sign up information in September.  We'll be looking for over a hundred volunteers that are needed to pull off this major event, which allows us to make a substantial donation to the Boys and Girls Club, and keep our membership dues ridiculously low.

The major areas where we will need help are at the rest stops, at registration, and driving SAG.  There are also a few jobs before and after the Festival that enable you to help and ride the entire event.  I'll have limited ability during August to sign you up; we'll put out a call for volunteers in September.  The volunteer list is now available on the News page, at the top of the third column.