News Article

Millhopper Crew

Millhopper Road is a designated scenic road in Alachua County, and is probably the most heavily used cycling roadway in our area.  Much of the road is heavily canopied, which is a significant contributor to its scenic designation.

The canopy is also a problem for those of us who ride our bikes out there.  Trees drop stuff; twigs, moss, acorns, BRANCHES!  Most of this debris is just a nuisance, but if you hit a small branch just right you can get hurt real bad (this has happened recently).

To deal with this problem, the Club formed the Millhopper Crew, organized as a GCC Interest Group.  Millhopper Road is around seven miles long, and we've divided the road up into six zones (the last zone with little canopy is two miles long, the others about a mile).  A team is assigned to each zone, and is responsible for keeping the bike lanes as clean as possible within reason and within the resources of the team.  Currently, we have two members on each team (except the last one which has one).  We would really like to have more folks on each of the teams to provide more scheduling flexibility, and so that each member doesn't have to go out that often.  You can join the Crew from the Me page in the Members Area; in the top right block, click on "Join A Group", then on the next page click on "Join" under Millhopper Crew.