Bicycle Trails at San Felasco State Preserve

A small committee of interested off-road cyclists met at the home of Brian McAllister in early October to review maps and receive an update on trail building status. Lys Burden had particapated in the preserve's management planning process in 1997 and helped incorporate trails and more bicycle access in the new 5-year management plan. A network of bicycle and horse trails is slated for the new acquisition land on the east side of the preserve behind the Progress Center on US 441, south of Alachua.

These new trails will be developed under the auspices of the preserve's "CSO" or citizens support organization, called the "Friends of San Felasco." Any and all cyclists who would like to help with this project are encouraged to join the CSO ($10 per year) and participate in their activities. To that end Lys Burden and Dan Brant of High Springs helped with the CSO's trail clearing and annual horseback ride fundraiser in early November.

In late October Marlie Sanderson and Lys Burden met with Preserve Manager, Randy Brown, and were escorted by him through the area for a couple of hours on a survey trip. Approximately 1,500 acres of varied terrain, lakes, creeks, sloughs, hills, ridges, sink holes, open fields and ancient oak fence lines comprise the tract. Both Marlie and Lys are excited about the trail potential. Marlie noted that it will be great to have climbs and descents of such magnitude so close to home. Presently he drives to Georgia to find good, challenging terrain.

The access road to the eastern side of the park is still incomplete. Thus, public access and parking are still unavailable, until the road is complete and a trailhead and parking area are constructed. During the initial survey trip, Marlie and Lys indicated it would take many months of field survey (by bike and foot) to site the trail corridor, and Randy has given permission for reconnaissance trips with proper notice. If anyone would like to help with the trail survey work, please contact Lys Burden at 454-3304.

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site