President's Message

Riding Millhopper Road this past weekend with nine other riders from the Hunter Crossing group reminded me it wasn't always this pleasant. Just the year before most rides that included this road were an experiment in survivor skills. A bicycling balancing act performed by all participants. We were riding the white line. The white line was our designated two inches of pavement. However there were portions of Millhopper Road that this white line disappeared, chunks gone..the road was deteriorating as only a bicycle rider would know. The 3.2 miles to that safe haven of a bicycle lane seemed like ten miles filled with sheer terror. "Single file". Right, as if anyone would venture to do anything else. As we pedaled toward that safe bike lane I would think why are we doing this? We all could be killed, or worse, maimed for life...and all just to ride a bicycle.

Our group quickly learned yelling "car back" was pretty much a waste of energy, while "truck back" was like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater. It only poured Adrenalin into systems that were already on overload. "Thanks but we really don't want to know the species of truck which is about to run us over, after all..sand truck, rock truck, timber truck, a truck is truck and we are just ants". I not only felt responsibility for our ride group but I didn't want a "truck driver" to plow into an oncoming car (another ant) because we were riding irresponsibly. 3.2 miles of terror.

We then reach the safety of the bike lane and all is forgotten. We can look under the bed now, peek into are rear view mirror. We are all safe the boogie man is gone and another wonderful morning of cycling some of the best roads in Florida begins. We return to GRU safe and happy another Saturday Hunters Crossing group ride.

One wonders what the huge brouhaha over the widening of Millhopper Road was all about. I wonder what those people who were so adamantly opposed think about it now. Motorists who have to frequent this road by car or truck must feel relieved. No more dodge the bicycle rider.

This past weekend it appeared as if Millhopper Road was being enjoyed by a much broader group of Gainesville Citizens than what I encountered 2 years ago. I see more family groups, for it is a perfect introduction into bicycle riding. I see "older" bike riders on their hi-breds ..I see joggers..all courteous to each other.

I hope the same outcome will occur regarding the paving of the Greenway. Two years later people asking now what was the big brouhaha regarding this place? Something about joggers, bike riders, kids, and nature not mixing very well?

Keep up the good work people of Gainesville,

See you cycling,

Linda C. McMahon

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site