Book Review

by Roger Pierce

Derailleur by Greg Moody

This is the third in a series of cycling murder mysteries following the adventures of Will Ross and Cheryl Crane in the bicycle racing world. The scene changes radically, with Cheryl becoming the bike racer leading a new mountain biking team at the Ishmael Coffee Mountain Bike Race in Vail, Colorado, and Will as just the tag along boy friend. Bodies start dropping in dramatic fashion from the get-go, before the tense situation and dramatic plot turns take over the flow. Also featured are two Detroit mobsters, closely patterned after Laurel and Hardy, that provide a lot of comic relief. With all the surprises throughout the book, it is hard to put down; you may not want to start it if you will have anything else to do for the next 24 hours!

Be sure to first read the prequels to this book, Two Wheels and Perfect Circles, that are reviewed in the August 1998 The Gainesville Cyclist. Look on the web page under Publications, 1998, August. All are available from VeloPress books, (800)234-8356, or

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