League of American Bicyclists
Hires New Executive Director

Baltimore, Md. -- The Board of Directors of the League of American Bicyclists proudly announces its selection of Cosette R. Simon ("Cosy") as its new Executive Director.

The League is poised for an exciting new era under the leadership of Cosette Simon. "We are so excited about the League's future. Our search for the new Executive Director was extremely thorough. We were picky -- and our very high demands are met in this fine person," said June Thaden, LAB President. "This is one of the biggest things for the bicycle industry since the demise of BIO. The League is now changing in many positive, exciting ways, and the strength of this candidate is proof-positive!"

Cosette R. Simon has extensive experience with both nonprofit and for-profit organizations, including leading the nation's fastest growing YWCA during her tenure as executive director. She served as chief comptroller for Fort Wayne, Indiana, and created and successfully won support for an extensive statewide health and human services reorganization plan as Executive Assistant to the Governor of Indiana. She has extensive experience in government relations for Lincoln National Corporation and most recently as State Legislative Director for the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA).

"Many opportunities and challenges confront both the League and the bicycle industry," Ms. Simon said, "but with my leadership and a dedicated and determined Board, you will find the League to be a strong ally." Cosy Simon has been an active recreational cyclist for close to twenty years, but these days gets most of her mileage from her constant use of the bicycle for transportation. "I haven't owned a car for quite some time," Cosy said, "and now I just bicycle for all of my errands. This had made me acutely aware of the special challenges facing cyclists who count on the League to fight for better riding conditions throughout the United States. Believe me, the battle has just begun."

The League's diverse Search Committee included those with industry, publishing, education, and advocacy backgrounds, and it worked hard to ensure that it identified the best person for this challenging leadership position. After examining over 300 resumes from excellent, well-qualified people, the League found in Cosy Simon a combination of sound leadership & management skills, plus a creative flair and zeal for building partnerships and communities -- topped by a vision of a much more proactive, powerful organization.

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site