What's Your Group?

The enclosed membership Roster lists the riding group(s) of each member who has specified one or we could place in one knowing where they ride. There are a whole lot of you out there without a group!

Not that we don't have plenty of groups to select from. If you like to ride easy and stop and see the countryside, check out the Hunters Crossing Pedalers. If you need to get up early to ride at a moderate pace (most any day of the week) call Bill Cochran and ask about the Bee Line. If you need a ride that you can take your kids on, the Newnans Lake Riders stop for gummy bears at Mrs Wigglesworth's. If you like to ride fast and steady, the new Gliders group is growing in numbers. Swift long distance types should check out the Centurians. And if you are into all-out riding, try an A Ride.

With all of those groups, we must admit we do have a hole. If you like to ride at an easy moderate pace (15-16 mph) with only one planned stop along the way we do not currently have a group for you. So you need to contact Roger Pierce and get one going! To set up a group, you need to make a few decisions.

  1. Are you going to meet at the same time and place every week, or move around to different locations?
  2. Are you going to have ride leaders, or just show and go?
  3. How fast and how far are the rides expected to go?

The key to getting a riding group going is to have a dedicated group member who will always be at the announced start for each ride. The Hunter's Crossing Pedalers got off the ground because Linda McMahon always showed up, so people would know they would not be riding alone. The Gliders have become a success because there is a designated ride leader who will be there for each scheduled ride.

We've got 216 members in the GCC, and counting! If you come up with a riding group that is in demand, there will be people who will ride it!

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site