Club Rides

The purpose of the Gainesville Cycling Club is to expedite the process of getting people together to do group rides. We do this in several ways.

The most obvious way is to advertise a schedule of rides with set starting times and meeting places. Some of these rides are otherwise totally informal (all weekend A Rides, for example), and others have designated ride leaders (most Gliders rides).

Another method we use is to have designated riding groups. This enables a member to identify those riders that are most compatible with their riding style, and to have a group of riding friends that they can call when there is an opportunity to ride when no ride is advertised.

We publish a roster of club members with information about how each likes to ride (speed and distance). With this, members can find others to get together with and do group rides.

While we encourage members who will be doing group rides to advertise them in the newsletter, on the RideLine, and/or on the gcc-fla email list, there is no requirement to do so. Group rides of members of the GCC are considered "club rides" when the ride is initiated by a club member and involves, for the most part, other club members. A ride initiated by a non-member, in particular another group (for example Team Florida), is generally not a GCC club ride.

If this is beginning to sound a bit on the "legal" side, it is because the only time that this distinction is important is when our insurance company has to get involved. Club members are covered by our insurance policy while on club rides, but not while riding alone, commuting, or riding with a non-club group. If being covered by the insurance is important to you, be aware of the makeup of the group ride you are on, and how it has been advertised. To eliminate complications, a group may elect to have guests sign an insurance waiver each time they ride with the group. Contact Roger Pierce to obtain them.

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site