Fanning Springs Picnic


The GCC held a 3.4 mile time trial at Fanning Springs during the July 17 picnic. This fun event was held on the rail-trail, so any club member could ride safely and enjoy the fun of competition. The results:

Jeff Meyer 8:01 25.46 mph
Billy Horne 8:26 24.2
Roger Berry 8:30 24.0
Andrew Gill 8:30 24.0
Drew Amery 8.50 23.1
Kristen Jagger 9:07 22.39
Purvis Bebenbaugh 9.54 21.38

Special thanks to George Edwards for timing the event.

If Club members are interested, we can have a fun time trail at our next picnic on Labor Day. We can have a longer distance for competitive riders, and a shorter distance for kids and fun riders. Time trials are the safest races and good measure of personal achievement for riders of all abilities.

Picnic Massage

GCCers attending the Fanning Springs picnic were pleasantly surprised to find club members Land and Courtney Wilson set up with their massage tables and ready to give free massages. Needless to say, they were busy for several hours without a break!

Land and Courtney are both RN's, and have completed massage training at the Florida School of Massage and an advanced 4 month course in Sports Massage. They plan on opening their own massage business in Gainesville, Respite Massage Therapy, in mid-September. They will be located at 805 NW 13th Street, offering a variety of integrated massage techniques focused on improving sport performance, pain relief from soft tissue dysfunction, and stress reduction. GCC members will get a discount!

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site