Gummy Bear Times

Newnans Lake Riders

Mrs. Wigglesworth returns!

The Newnans Lake Riders can look forward once again to visiting with Mrs. Wigglesworth during our Sunday morning rides. Mrs. Wigglesworth's fish camp is the halfway point of our ride, where we stop for refreshments and to view the lake.

The fish camp and store had been closed for three months because Mrs. Wigglesworth had broken her fip in a fall. However, with modern medical miricles, Mrs. Wigglesworth had an artificial hip replacement and is up and walking and running her fishing business again. The Cycling Club is delighted at Mrs. Wigglesworth's return and wishes her a speedy recovery.

The Newnans Lake Riders ride every Sunday morning, taking a 14 miles roundtrip to Newnans Lake and back. The group rides slowly and has a chaperone to help with flat tires. This is the perfect group to take the kids on a ride or to introduce a spouse to group bike riding.

Club members should mention this group to friends who want to start bike riding. Help us recruit new members for our Newnans Lake Riders group.

For more information about our entry level biking group, the Newnans Lake Riders, call Chandler Otis at 377-1728.

Gainesville Cycling Club Web Site